SURE-Africa partners with PIVRC to strengthen research education in African Universities

Our Mission and Vision

The ISTH Virtual Research Clinic aspires to be a national virtual research campus where researchers at all levels in Nigeria and beyond receive prompt support to begin and complete their scientific investigations. PANDORA-ID-NET will embark on this mission using virtual cloud support to provide seamless research support.  

Our Goals

PANDORA-ISTH Virtual Research Clinics Trains Senior Resident Doctors of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Research Methods and Practice

 PANDORA-ISTH Virtual Research Clinic hosted Resident doctors from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital to a training on “Research Theory and Practice”. The training further broadened the research horizon in these early career researchers and they were spurred to churn out works that will make a difference in the world of science.

As always PANDORA is committed to improving research one mind at a time.

PANDORA-ISTH Virtual Research Clinic Trains 500 Level Medical Students of Ambrose Alli University in Research Methodology

PANDORA ISTH Virtual Research Clinic hosted the first cohort of final year Medical students of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. The students had the opportunity of learning from world class facilitators including the Head of the clinic Prof A.D Asogun. At the core of PANDORA is promoting research. And what better way than to catch them young.

Lecture Session for O&G Resident Doctors
O&G Doctors Play the Research Dilemma Game
Lecture Session During the Training
Award of Certifate to166 Medical Students
Interactive Session
Photo of Staff and O&G Resident Doctors
Lecture Session using Multimedia
Group Photo of Medical Students and Staff

Our Clients


Teaching Hospitals

Research Institutes

Government and Research Funders

Our International Advisors

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-12 at 10.18.48 AM

Prof. Reuben Agbons Eifediyi
CMD Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital

Prof. Sylvanus Okogbenin

Prof. Sylvanus Okogbenin
Immediate Past CMD Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital

Prof Gunter

Prof. Dr. Stephan Günther
Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine


Prof. George Akpede
Former CMD Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital


Prof. Dr. Francine NTOUMI (PhD, HDR, FRCP, FWAS, FAAS)
Coordinator of PANDORA-ID-NET consortium.

Prof. Zumla

Sir Alimuddin Zumla
Member Coordinating Team of PANDORA-ID-NET consortium.


The PANDORA-ID-NET IVRC Host a Fellowship dissertation presentation by a Senior Resident…
The ISTH  Virtual Research Clinic hosts fellowship dissertation  presentation given by a ...
Dr. Alphonsus Aigbiremolen Presents the IVRC to MDCAN.
Dr. Alphonsus Aigbiremmolen presents the ISTH Virtual Research Clinic to the Medical and Dental ...
ISTH Community Medicine Department Organizes Training on Grant Writing
The department of community medicine, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, has completed a Webinar on ...


Our International Work and Clients

We have extensive background serving as a resource for educational institutions, research funding agencies, national governments, and international organizations. We work with a worldwide network of professional colleagues and partners to provide quality services for both local and international clients.